We lost another chicken today, Bella. she is the second one that has died on us, from natural causes, but still sad. She was looking a little “under the weather” this past week, as an older chicken will, but nothing dramatic.
But this morning, there she was… a dead chicken.
And it’s weird, this one bugged me a lot, her dying like that, and I am not sure why.
She was one of our first 3 chickens, maybe that is part of it. Dear Bella started off our “chicken keeping” and introduced us to keeping fowl.
And she was our middle daughters chicken. . . and the middle one is a little sensitive, so maybe I am already sad thinking of how she will react when she gets home from school today.
Or maybe it is that it is cold out, and winter, and to have something die on it’s own. . . alone? Well, I am still not used to that. I am still “too city”. I am used to ushering out our pets gently and with comfort and caring, not leaving them alone in the hutch to die on their own.
And really, we should be used to this by now? Shouldn’t we? And this was a “natural death”, nothing dramatic or tragic about it.
Although, all death is tragic isn’t it?
So, with Bella firmly tucked away for eternity, and Izzy a few hours away from hearing about her fate, I am busy planning for a nice dessert to take our minds off of it.
Oh, and chicken dinner with Yorkshire pudding.
I hope that it isn’t “too soon”