It is the dog days of summer, and we are all feeling drained and burnt out, but that doesn’t have to kill you blogging mojo! Give yourself a break this week and follow these easy steps on how to blog for the rest of the summer, and STILL come back rested and full of energy and ready to kick it into gear in September!
1. Have a Vacation
Like any j.o.b. you time need away from work to appreciate it. Give yourself a chance to turn the phone/laptop/tablet off and step into LIFE. Don’t worry about planning picnics that would be pinterest worthy and just toss some PB&J sandwiches in a basket and call it lunch. Don’t plan adventures, just go to the beach. Don’t worry about “active learning” and just let the kids PLAY. And read some fiction. . . and not something you need to write a review on.
2. Do the Easy Stuff
There is hard stuff, and easy stuff in this industry, so when the stress is high, focus on the easy stuff and leave the tricky things for when the kids are back to school.
- Login to your Triberr account and SHARE. Edit your titles so that your hashtags are there and let your tribe do the work for you.
- Make 1 new Pinterest board (just 1) and re-pin archived posts. Walk away from Pinterest RIGHT AFTER YOU DO THIS! (do not search, do not pin! Puppy pictures won’t help you now)
- Round up. Think of a great roundup post YOU would like to read. Now reach out to your tribes and groups and collect content to support it. Create the post, and get double bonus points for supporting your blogging friends!
- Schedule your archives. Spend a few minutes picking your fave old posts and schedule them to Facebook and Twitter for the upcoming week. The old stuff needs love too and chances are if it did well last year, it will do well again.
3. Plan
Lie on your back on a beach towel and think about what you want to do in September. Plan it out, create ideas, think of new things. Decide which challenge ahead of you you want to tackle.
Now doze off.
Re-awaken to the plan and continue to refine.
Repeat 3 times and then grab a cold drink.
4. Master one thing
We all have lists of things we NEED to know NOW. Video, photoshop, StumbleUpon. Well, just pick one, and a fun one, and preferably one you are passionate about. Master this one task and you will be ahead of the game come September.
5. Give yourself a wee bit of credit.
Working in the summer is crummy and so far you have done an amazing job of balancing ALL THE THINGS, so acknowledge that. Recognize what you have accomplished and give yourself some time off for good behaviour. Think back to last year and where you were and how far you have come. Appreciate the process and the rhythm of the industry and ride the wave! You’ve done good, so chill a little and be proud of yourself.
And, for easy access to the sponsored posts running around the blogosphere, workshops and coaching, join my Facebook group and sign up for my blogger email list! I’ll send you everything you need to keep your business running EASILY!
Nobody can do it all, and with the summer temperatures high (or if you are in Ontario, the floods have arrived) and kids running everywhere, you sometimes need to submit to summer. Things will be back to normal in a few weeks and trust me when I tell you, you won’t miss out by slowing down for a bit!
Now, go get a cold drink and tell me below in the comments how you manage your mojo in the summertime!