It has taken me weeks to figure this out, my “intention” for the year. What I want my years focus to be about, not just in one area, but in everything I do.
With my family, my work, my life. . . everything.
WHy all of it? Well, I feel that when we focus on ONE area with one goal or “resolution” we do it in spite of the other areas. We succeed at that ONE thing, to the detriment of the others.
So, by setting a full life intention, I am able to carry that goal forward into everything I do.
And why is this year so very difficult?
I feel like in 2012 I was brave enough to pick up a lump of clay, and claim it as mine to form. In 2013 I started molding it, changing it and personalizing it. This year, my “lump of clay” is still a work in progress. It needs some refining, some tweaking, polishing and prettying up.
I feel like I did a lot of heavy lifting last year. Hard work, pick axing away chunks of rock, and sturdy roots to get to the heart of what I want.
This year, the work still remains, but alongside the maintenance is some harvesting. Some enjoyment.
The wine is made. . . and while we still want to continue to make wine for next year, we may have a few bottles to open and enjoy!
So. My “intention” for this year?
A simple word. And one that we should all include into portions of our life, all the time to allow it to progress. But this year, it will be more than that for me. It will be my focus and purpose.
Improving my blog.
Improving my business. My consulting. My coaching and my products.
Improving BLUNTmoms.
Improving my life. My days. My health and my happiness.
Improving the quality of EVERYTHING I do. Putting more time into each part of my work and life. Improving my methods, my systems and my moments.
And with improvement, my rewards, my “harvest” will continue to grow.
I want to do better. I want to know more. I want to improve the things around me.
A simple word, but perfect for where I am sitting today.
So, what does this mean?
Well, with improvement, comes change. You will notice a few changes on my blog (all good I hope) and some changes in my life and what I share with you (amazing changes in fact)
And hopefully this will all improve what you get, see and enjoy by visiting me.
So, time to share. Tell me what YOUR intention is for this year? What one word can you use to focus your energy on in 2014? What word captures how you feel about everything in your life for the coming months?
Please tell. . . I do really want to know!