EEk it’s almost Halloween and I’m fighting the stomache flu, have a ton of work I feel behind on and a trip coming up! I feel like the days are racing by on hyper speed, with the 31st of October coming up fast. This year I will be away with the hubs and our middle child up until midday on Halloween. We will get home in the late afternoon, most likely jet lagged and my daughter knows trick or treating might not be a possibility for her. Which she is totally fine with apparently. I’m guessing she’s banking on nipping some treats from her siblings. But because we will be away my parents will be holding down the fort with the other two kids and have generously offered to stick around to take them trick or treating, giving us three travelers time to unwind.
Now even though she’s fine with missing trick or treating I still wanted her to have a bit of Halloween. Knowing we will be exhausted I turned to my Netflix and put together an evening plan of spooky yet light movies, paired with popcorn and a few sweet treats for us.
This October Netflix has an slew of cool spooky shows and movies for even the wussiest of watchers. Which would be me. Never one to enjoy a good scare, I tend to stick to rom-coms and the occasional action comedy. But I found some great movies even I could handle, like Ghostbusters 1 & 2, The Nightmare Before Christmas and new episodes of Vampire Diaries.
My daughter and I put our heads together and picked Nightmare Before Christmas as our first choice, and vanilla ice cream topped with my apple pie filling as a yummy treat. Mugs of hot cocoa and a crackling fire would make the evening cozy as we enjoyed being home after what we expect will be an amazing mini holiday. Planning the night and making it special is helping her not stress about the fun she might be missing, and will give her that little extra mommy and daddy time without her siblings, which this middle child seems to need more than the others right now. We will be cozy and warm, and eager to hear about the costumes her brother and sister saw, the haunted houses they visited and maybe share in the treats they collected. It will be a good Halloween, even if it’s a little different than she or I am used to.