There has been a change in the air this year. A good change.
Normally my husband battles against the holidays approaching. He turns off the holiday music radio station and delays getting our tree and decor out until mid December. He doesn’t submit to the holidays until the latest possible moment… and even then, seems to never fully immerse himself in the holiday spirit of things.
Now, he’s not a grinch, or bitter, or angry, he just doesn’t encourage it.
But this year.. things are different.
We had our tree up that very first weekend in December, earlier than we have ever had it. The house was “dressed” and and the storage boxes put away. Mid December now and the shopping has been done and most of the gifts wrapped and tucked under the tree.
He has even KEPT the radio on the “all holiday music channel” which is a miracle of epic proportions.
Our house is a hive of holiday songs, whistling, and holiday spirit.
He even said how great it was having everything done early this year. How we are ready, and clean and prepared.
So, perhaps there is something to this early holiday welcome that we have missed out on before?
Whatever it is.. its wonderful.
But, I guarantee we will still be that family boxing everything away on Dec 27th… ready for a fresh New Year.
What are your holiday traditions for “getting ready”