I started this whole journey by attending an everyWOMAN conference in Whistler in April. Now, this past weekend, 6 month since then, I went back to another one.
It was a little strange re-visiting the site of my (praise be) awakening, but it felt like a better, stronger me going back.
With so many changes over the past 6 months, moving, leaving a business & selling our “home”, the hard decisions I had to made only made me a more confident and self assured person.
People ask me often just how we picked Salt Spring. Out of all the places on the map, why here? We didn’t know a soul and had only been to the island once. We were literally breaking brand new ground for ourselves.
How did we pick it? Well, it was in the cards.
At my last everyWOMAN experience (definitely not a conference, but an EXPERIENCE) I had a session with a psychic (and an astrologer, but more on that later)
I don’t not believe in psychics. (did you catch the not committal there) I look at them as another way to apply opinion and (possibly) research to a question I am confused about.
My psychic session left me with a little more confidence in myself, and our decision. And it helped narrow our sites on Salt Spring. Who knows, maybe it is us making this work out, maybe it is destiny; I don’t really care. . . just as long as it does!
My return to everyWOMAN was different.
I was different (as I mentioned) This time, aside from volunteering at the event, I grooved and connected with other amazing women. Sharing a hug and a giggle with my fave friend Christine, as well as seeing the awesome Luna Gals, Shannon, Jill, Cadi & Sarah.
This time I walked right by the amazing psychic that gave me so much confidence 6 months ago, and I smiled and patted myself on the back. Because this time, I didn’t need anyone to tell me everything was going to be ok.
This time I knew it already.
Walking into everyWOMAN, I was different. I now fully understand that I am what I make myself be. I will be successful in what I want. I am being truly myself (finally!) and everything WILL work out as it should. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you no longer need a second opinion, but to also be grateful to the people who gave it to you when you needed it.
So, I left the city comfortable in my skin and excited about the future, again and still. I left the city as ME.
Exactly me!
Maybe, just maybe you will join me at the next everyWOMAN in May 2012 (Whistler) As one mom said this weekend, `I expected it to be fun, but I didn`t expect to completly change the direction of my life`