Winter has hit in full force, well for the west coast of BC this is pretty intense. We had our first dusting last week (remember how excited the kids were?) and today it started again.
Now, it still isn’t anything near what other parts of the world experience, but being wet and slippery snow, it does affect us!
Our half KM long driveway becomes pretty difficult when it is covered in the white stuff. Oh, and soccer is cancelled this weekend (sacrilage)
But we did get out and get our feet “wet” and explore our new snowy world.
We took the little dude off to my favourite walking spot, and brought the dogs so they could have a run. this is one of the only spots our blind spaniel can run because of the wide opening spaces. Now, she did collide with my shins on this hike, but I think we both got off ok.
The little guy was cold, but loved the snow and fresh air (and I kinda love how his nose gets red)
We didn’t go as far as we normal do, but I did get to check out my fave tree. Winter, spring, summer of fall it seems to stand guard over the field and the pathway.
It cleared our minds, dusted off cobwebs and released some “inside stress”. It was exactly what we needed… especially if we are going to be snowed in for the weekend (note: please bring wine!)
It let us step away from the computer and year end taxes and holiday planning. It lets us leave the dishes in the sink and stop worrying about the dust on the floors. It is my best solution for how to relieve stress.
We got outside, and we were able to breath fresh air into our day. It was perfect.