Monday was the end of a very long, chaotic and busy week. For each of the 7 days, I struggled to maintain my balance, to keep my intention to “thrive” in focus and to lower my heart rate as it peaked again and again.
And today, the Monday from Hell, didn’t help.
A late sunday night battling the tech demon, and an early morning as I realized he was still loitering around, and a day spent digging my fingers into what remained of my stability.
I fought back, and I forced this day to bend to my will.
Or perhaps, I allowed the nonsense of the day to flow THROUGH me, instead of having it land ON me.
I steadied my shaking hands with a run in the fog, loud music pumping. Sending my thoughts via text, backlogging them until had service again and they were all sent in a rush.
Fresh air clearing my mind and my lungs, reminding me of my goal to live in each moment and to be grateful for all the things (chaos) included that land at my feet.
Because sometimes success is hard. As we challenge ourselves to stretch forward, taking big, broad steps out of our comfort zone, we DO actually feel uncomfortable. Stilling the panic from that discomfort is step 1 for this girl.
Trusting that the discomfort will settle, and that the foundation I have built is strong, and stable, and that I haven’t overreached, just stretched.
So I ran. The fog was thick. I fled.
And through that fleeing, I found my centre again, turned my anger/fear/frustration into something productive. I found my trust and my faith. Re-established my confidence.
And then I came home and made monday mine.
How did your day go?