I have always felt that beauty is on the inside, it’s all about how you feel that brings your personal beauty outwards to shine.
And then I turned 40.
Suddenly even though I still felt beautiful on the inside, my outsides were changing. The grey was getting grey-er, the morning wrinkles deeper and when I saw myself, even though I was accepting getting older, I wasn’t necessarily ready to accept looking THIS much older.
I have always battled with sun spots on my face. They darkened when I was pregnant and have loitered ever since. I have always thought I could live with wrinkles, if only my complexion was clear and my skin was one, stable healthy colour.
But then the wrinkles wrinkled more, and I understood they were all tied together, and maybe, just maybe, there was something I could do to help.
I was given the chance to try the Silk’n Face FX, and not one to put a lot of time and energy into outside appearances, I was a little doubtful I would actually see changes.
The FaceFX is an at-home anti-aging device that uses a synergistic combination of fractional red light therapy and deep thermal heating, stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture and achieving long-term soft, smooth, radiant skin
The device is supposed to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and brighten dull skin colour for a fresher, younger appearance. All things that I would give my left arm for these days.
And never fear, it IS FDA and Health Canada-cleared.
The unit itself is fairly small and easy to hold in the hand. It plugs in and is ready to use within seconds.
The goal is to use the device, on a clean face, at least 3x a week. You turn it on, and slowly massage your face area as the LED light activates and the device gets warm.
I tend to do it first thing in the morning. I have it plugged in beside my desk, and as I open my email and start to sort out my day I slowly massage my face with the Face FX.
I wasn’t sure what to expect the first time, but the heat was wonderful. I mean, a) sit quietly for 10 minutes and B) massage your face with soft warmth…
Who wouldn’t look younger?
I didn’t tell my husband I was using the device, figuring a controlled test was the BEST way to see if it actually made some changes. Personally though, I started to notice a difference early on.
My skin felt softer. It felt like the Face FX pulled moisture to my skin. It felt plump…juicy… youthful. And trust me, when you are 40+ juicy and plump is a GOOD thing for your face.
I did have a few additional “visitors” during the first week though, and whether the break outs were connected with the use of the device, or just epic timing, I’m not sure. They cleared up quickly though.
I started to notice that my sun spots were diminishing, something that really excited me. I’m not sure if the wrinkles reduced, since I look at myself every day.
But the other morning, I brought my husband a coffee on the porch after milking the goat, and whether it was the mixture of fresh morning air and goat’s milk splashing on me, OR the Face FX was really doing it’s thing…But my husband grabbed his coffee cup and looked at me and said “Wow. You look different. You look…younger.” (I could see him falter on that word since he knows younger is something I will never be.)
I prodded…. “How so my darling?”
And he replied…“You just look less haggard.”
So yes. He used the word haggard to describe my previous look…but at least he meant that I no longer looked that way. Let’s go with that and look at it as a positive, shall we?
So, did the Face FX work?
I would say yes. I still feel like me, but I also feel like maybe some life has been brought back into my 40 year old face. I feel that blood is moving through my cheeks and things aren’t sliding down any more. I feel like my sun spots are diminishing, which builds my confidence in my appearance (they always bothered me so much). I also feel like I need to figure out a way to use the Silk’n FaceFX EVERYWHERE on my body… if it can make my husband notice a change, perhaps it is a miracle worker.
This post is brought to you by Silk’n but the images and opinions are my own.