We have been in fog for a week, and today the sun finally broke through. It brought about one of those moments where, with good music playing on the radio and a sunbeam in your lap, you suddenly realize that things are good.
It was a “good” moment. An awesome moment.
I had that warm bubble and realized that I had finally found out what makes me tick.
They say that your happiness improves drastically if you help others.
I say, here, here! That IS the magic potion.
If you sit and evaluate your life, and the hours and minutes in the day, how many of those hours and minutes are really about “helping” someone.
No, no, not about the money you get from helping someone. Not that.
Just the helping. Helping for no other reason than helping.
It has taken years for me to understand the difference in helping, just for helping’s sake, and through that process, helping has given me everything I needed. It has given me income, health and yes . . . of course, happiness.
In my years of indecision people would ask me “ what do you want to do” with your life . . . my response, as lame as it sounds, was “to help”
I just wanted to help. And it sounded so unrealistic. Who can build a life, or a business on helping?
I realized that while I want health in my life, doing it for myself didn’t give me the same reward as when I teach classes for others. I get my exercise, I get my dose of “helping”
Sweaty and glowing!
And being able to help through business, now that is amazing.
So, as I drove home, I realized that through some hard decisions I am shaping my life to be exactly what I want. A little bit of everything, but all of it positive. All of it built around helping.