I have talked before about being able to see a light at the end of the kid tunnel I am currently residing in. It is there, and while it is still only a pinprick of light, I find myself daydreaming about the day it actually arrives.
Kindergarten. For our LAST kid.
September 2014 is our day. The last day of a decade+ of raising babies, and dealing with toddlers.
And the start of a new decade. A school age decade. 10 years or so of having kids that get more and more independent. a decade of school days, (which means more “open days” for mom & dad)
Days where I can vacuum. Or work. Or nap if I choose.
And 4 days in a row. Each week. Every week. Minus holidays of course. But on holidays we will all be so thrilled to be together, we won’t mind it a bit.
I feel like a kid on the edge of summer vacation, giddy with delight at the open days in front of me. The options and choices. The change.
But as our kids know, when you are a couple weeks into summer break, it doesn’t seem so awesome anymore.
I too understand that with this new decade comes puberty, workloads, and moody kids. I get it that a whole new theme of problems and issues will come in.
But, it HAS to be better than balancing a tween, a job and a toddler . . . right?