Some days a gal just gets lucky. things just tend to fall into place, and things that seem crummy, end up being amazing.
Take today…
I woke up from a deep sleep around 5:40am. Happy dreams and then BING! Awake.
I tried to snuggle back in, but just couldn’t shut my brain off. i was aiming to catch the 7:15 ferry to Vancouver, but in my morning snuggles remembered there was also a 6:15.
Creeping slowly out of bed as to not wake the hubby, I quietly dressed, grabbed my bag and headed to the ferry.
The ferry that I drove directly onto moments before they lifted the ramp.
Arriving in Vancouver over 2hrs earlier than planned, I had the chance to hang with my sis. Morning coffee and chatter, and then “THE PHONE CALL”
now, do you remember the hair -catastrophe I experienced a few months ago? And the gal that saved me from it? Well, I had an appointment with her today to keep working on my recovering. In fact, this was the whole reason of my trip today.
And she was sick. So sick she couldn’t come in.
But I could book tomorrow… except I am on a flight at 7am, and there is NO way this hair of mine is coming with me.
Arghhh. Busy salon, on a sunday, with no way for poor old me to squeeze in.
Argh. Seriously? Come on, NOT THE HAIR!
But the luck… the horseshoes… this all has to work out.
And it does. It works out as my dear friend comes to the rescue and hooks me up with her MOST AMAZING Vancouver stylist.
A few glasses of something bubbley to drink, some delish lunch and a dozen mini cupcakes kept the afternoon light and fun.
And, not only did I get a cut, but I also got some great highlights (which was a cherry pop moment for me) and a few fab new pieces added to my wardrobe. I also (finally) learned how to wear the brown boots I have had sitting in my closet for years and years!
Home to my sisters, with dinner waiting and her type A help packing my suitcase for my upcoming week in Toronto for Link2013 and Blissdom13 Blogging conferences.
And with the ferries being cancelled due to the storm, hubby stuck on the island with no power, and me actually catching the season finale of Breaking Bad (this is a miracle since we don’t have cable at home) I really do feel like luck is on my side today.
Now, all I need is for this wind to die down, for my flight to be gentle, my upcoming workshop presentations to go smoothly (possibly even with a chunk of learning and a bit of laughter)… if all this can come together, I will feel truly lucky!
In fact, I might even buy a lotto ticket!