We haven’t always followed “the rules” for things, and tend to parent instinctively and somewhat passively. Sometimes that works out and creates amazing things with our kids, other times it causes us to suffer for longer than we should.
Sleep has always been an issue for us. We had the same issue with all three kids, co-sleeping, and as one moved out of our bed and into their own, another kid moved in. For 10 years we have has someone else in the middle, and hubby and I are about done!
Moving into the new house created an opportunity to start fresh with our little dude. His own room, right across the hall from us, and a haven to make uniquely his.
Except, he has a long, dark hallway to his room. . . and aside from a little moonlight, it is D.A.R.K
I needed a solution. Something that was HIS, and his to control. A way for him to master the dark and feel confident in his space.
He chose his Cloud B crocodile (or is it an alligator… I can never tell) himself. He is fuzzy and lovely, and comes with a light up back that fills his ceiling with stars.
Easy to use, and (apparently) easy to drag around since he took it too school.
And the beach
And it now travels in the car with us too.
But, having a “friend” in your space is the whole point. He will frequently ask why I get a buddy in my bed (daddy) and he doesn’t.
Choosing a friend to be his, that also adds some comfort to his zone is important, and thankfully it is working! Little dude has been sleeping in his bed and hubby and I finally have a room to ourselves.
Well, it is us and the dogs.
Now we just need to figure out how to stop the dog from snoring and we might be able to sleep through the night.