BlissDom Canada was weeks ago and I am just now getting my brain settled enough to think about it. It has taken me this long to digest the event, the interactions and the connections.
Taken this long for my feet to recover from the dancing.
BlissDom was different this year, as it should be. The halls were filled with new faces, and the sessions with new ideas. From my end, all the effort I have been applying to treat this “blog thing” seriously seems to be widespread.
Brands came to connect with humans and see if they had relationship potential, and despite the worry on Facebook at the beginning, it seemed as if people walked the room with courage and professionalism.
I think it might have taken me so long to share my thoughts on BlissDom because I am looking at it as one big “event” vs several minor ones. I need to go deeper and dissect each day, or moment, to really define what happened there in October.
The pre-event workshops were fabulous and really helped to show that BlissDom isn’t for the hobby mommy blogger. Pr and Business management, training we all need if we are actually going to make a stable home for ourselves in this industry.
The opening keynote was impactful, talking about having the ability to pivot and change direction to adjust to the world and to leap ahead to claim your happiness.
Something I am a wee bit familiar with.
And a chat on the Ward & Al radio show where we dove into talking about our life do-over in 2012, and how every month since then I am still trying to recalibrate my balance of the things I love, knowing for certain that the life I built is one that is easily lost in chaos and overwhelm.
And then we dance.
Of course Kahulua came and hosted a Throwback Thursday party. Of course we munched on candy necklaces and jumped on a giant twister matt. And of course there was a dance off (which I lost this year, but for that I blame my weak lady bladder)
And then we started all over again.
Brand engagement was HUGE this year with creative and impactful activations. There weren’t just pushing messages or “stuff” they were actually there to talk to us, learn about us, build relationships and ask our opinion. It seems like they finally GOT IT! Business to consumer marketing is for trade shows, Business to Business marketing is for blogging events.
My fave brand Dress Mavens was there with their drool worthy custom dresses, and we even got Owner Nadine to do a little twirl for us.
Of course the events that really sparked our souls were the evening ones. Lentils Canada brought the house down with their Carnival. Strong men, dancing girls and lentils everywhere. Amazing wines brought in by Ontario Wines, and entertainment for hours.
And another morning to wake up with sore feet and a scratchy voice.
Saturday, our last day, held more power for me than any other moment. Seeing that the words I have been screaming for 2 years are actually being heard and having a standing room only space in our Pitch & Play panel workshop blew my mind. And then, having new bloggers, old bloggers, and even non-bloggers take the opportunity to stand in front of a crowd and pitch the brands for opportunities, well, my heart grew three sizes that day.
I started going to BlissDom for the community. Now I come for my business. It is the perfect blend of heart centred women doing BUSINESS. It shows that you can laugh and toss back White Russians, while still showing up for work on time and delivering in spades. That is the balance I want in my life.
Work AND play. Respect AND professionalism.
I have measured my blogging years by attending BlissDom Canada, and look forward to continuing to do so, and seeing it grow and develop with the industry. BlissDom changed this year, their support and community were still there in full force, but there appeared a new elegance with which they offered training and education. BlissDom is here to play, and here to create and support the industry as a viable and sustainable source of income for women (and men).
And I, for one, welcome that.
This was MY BlissDom.
(If you want to see MORE check here! )