Last week was 4 days completely committed to “blogger conference” mode. It was room sharing, heel wearing, makeup applying days filled with conversations, strategy and a “a few more than normal” glasses of wine.
If you have “blogger conferenced” before, you understand the whirlwind you are swept into. How one event rolls into the next, and you are balancing schedules of all the things, and all at the same time.
It is living out of a suitcase, and attempting to navigate a city you don’t know. It is keeping smiling, even on only a few hours sleep.
It is having food available for you, all the time, with not a single dish to wash. It is fabulous party, after fabulous party (after fabulous party)
And the, you come home.
To dirty socks, dishes and “mommymommymommy”
So, how does one “re enter” life? How do you catch up on everything you missed, while still making time for ensuring you do the much needed post conference follow up? Here are my tips!
1. Make 3 Groups
I left the New York conferences with over 100 business cards. From brands, bloggers and small businesses, they were jumbled together in an overwhelming pile. My first step is to get them organized into three piles.
First Group: These are the NOW people. The ones that I made a direct connection and/or pitch with at the event. This group needs immediate follow up, as they will (hopefully) create my most immediate ROI.
(Note: while you are AT the conference add a * to these cards so you can remember that they are priority #1. Include notes on the card as to your conversation, and follow up needs)
Second Group: These are the “potential” group. The individuals who made an impact, but may not have direct ROI to your business. Beneficial connections, PR opportunities, Product reviews (not compensation) etc. This group is NOT priority #1, but still will require a “touch point” to happen within the next few weeks.
Third Group: “The masses” Of the 100 or so cards, this WILL be your biggest group. This is “your network” and you need to figure out if they have something to offer YOU, or if you have something to offer THEM. This group I will send out a quick “remember me” email, sharing my info, and details on my mailing list, just in case they want to sign up for influencer opportunities, or other information. Don’t forget about this group since you truly NEVER know what will happen with each individual you meet!
In the end, within a month of the conference, you want to make sure you have followed up with EVERYONE you got a business card from. Connect with them via social, follow them, or email them directly sharing information about WHY you are a great connection.
TIP: The biggest thing to keep your post conference follow up easy is for each event you attend, slide the business connections made at the event into your name tag. This will keep them all organized and filed for easy follow up once you get home! There is nothing more embarrassing than to connect with an individual saying you met a that WRONG event!
2. Do Less This Week
After a week away ANYWHERE once you return home your plate will be extra full, so to balance this out, reduce expectations on ALL fronts. Give yourself a break and a chance to collect your thoughts before you do your follow ups and re-caps. Prioritize, both for work and home, and don’t attempt to do all your catching up at once.
I let my content slide for a week after a conference, doing only what is scheduled, or what comes to me organically. I don’t rush my conference recaps and when I do complete them I try to capture the essence vs the event. I try and spend time with my kids, and I get my diet and exercise back on track after a week of cupcakes. I let myself sleep in, reminding myself that I am my own boss and that the work I do is the work I choose.
3. Read. Watch. Follow. Engage.
Just because the conference ended it doesn’t mean the conversation is over. Stay engaged on the hashtag, and communicate in the groups. Read what others post, and follow threads that come up, adding positive or constructive criticism. Do the post conference survey. But, please, do not post negative comments in the groups, or on the threads. If you have feedback, give it directly via private message or private email. Conferences are hard work, and very costly, so don’t throw the conference team under the bus because you felt that line up for pizza was too long. Be professional before, during and (most importantly) AFTER the event.
4. LEARN & Evaluate
You went to this conference for a reason, so after a week or 2 I want you to spend some time evaluating your experience. Not the food, or the parties, but YOUR experience.
- DID you get ROI from the event? If not, why? Had you defined what you wanted from the event BEFORE you attended? If you did not get a return, was it because of that conference or because of your actions?
- WHO were your best connections at the event, and how can you put yourself in a position to create more opportunities to be around individuals like that?
- Did you have all the resources you needed DURING the conference, and afterwards for follow up? If not, what can you build moving forward to make sure of this
- Have you SOLD anything? If you are attending conferences for revenue, did you make any? If not, were your products clearly defined?
- WHAT did you LEARN? Was it beneficial and how quickly can you apply it to your business?
- WHERE did you go wrong? What (if anything) do you regret? What do you feel was your missed opportunity! Acknowledge it, remember it and don’t do it again next time. (FYI, there is usually a moment of this in every conference, consider it a learning experience)
And most importantly, did you have fun? If not, why?
For a blogger a conference should be a place for you to improve your knowledge and practical applications, grow your network and build your business opportunities. If this was your first conference, make sure it isn’t your last! Learn from it, improve and make opportunities happen with clear and direct follow up. Don’t let re-entry stop you! Manage your days and be sure to follow up and take the opportunity that the conference has given you!
If you want more information like this, or to join my private influencer group where we share blogging opportunities, sign up for the mail list here, or request to join the FB group here!