It happens a little differently for each of us. Some of us happen upon our blogs by accident, realizing we are part of this massive machine we previously had no knowledge of. Others come in with a plan to make this a business from the beginning, and experience successes and challenges along the way.
The one thing that is true for most of us though, is that we are doing it alone.
Creating a blog, finding a way to make it a business, having a place to ask questions and get support, all of that can be difficult to find. New bloggers enter the scene and don’t know where the groups are, or who is sharing the information they need, or what the “unwritten” rules of the industry actually are.
I have just started into my fourth year of offering blogger coaching, workshops and support. I have learned along the way the right amount of information to share, and the best way to use our limited time to achieve our goals the most efficiently. I have learned from coaching over 300 bloggers and small businesses in the last 3 years that each of us has unique goals for how we want our business to run, and that while there are some similarities, as entrepreneurs, we each have the opportunity to define our own rules.
In the fall of 2015 I offered a free blogger mentorship course. A 6 week course where I shared resources, tips and homework. I promoted the bloggers in the group to networks and agencies in North America, answered their questions about pitching and etiquette and supported them as they defined their rules for their businesses to find their unique success. Many of the bloggers left the course with increased income, higher stats, and contracts signed for premium ad networks, and relationships with PR agencies that were keen to work with them.
Not everyone who took the course completed it of course, but those who put in the time and effort, used to the group to ask questions and explore ideas, and worked their business like it was a BUSINESS, found their next level of success.
Over 2016 I continued to offer the FREE BLOGGER MENTORSHIP program and ended up working with over 800 passionate and committed influencers. This regular 6 week self directed program be available for anyone who wants to attend, there will also be additional opportunities to participate in weekly workshops, group training, one on one blog audits and private coaching during the course.
I hope that this course will give influencers, bloggers and businesses the chance to improve their skills and confidence and create a stable business opportunity out of their digital asset. I want to create an opportunity to have more networks come on board to connect with students, more secret backdoors to open to monetization, and more chances to build relationships and find your stability in your blog revenue.
The course runs 5 times a year, so please add your name to be added to the next group. If you are interested in learning MORE, add your name to the list!