I hear about the fear of making Yorkshire pudding. People looking for the secret to success and the key to a fluffy pudding and try and test various Yorkshire Pudding recipes in search of the “holy grail” of pudding.
Well, fear not dear readers, I am telling you today, Yorkshire Pudding is not only easy to make, it should be a staple to every sunday dinner.
Rule #1: Have all room temperature ingredients.
Yah, not gonna happen for this busy mom. While our eggs did come straight out of the chicken, and our milk off the shelf, it didn’t make an iota of difference in the recipe. Warm, cold, tepid or “burning up from a chicken”… my ingredients go into the bowl as I find em.
Rule #2: Let it sit.
Seriously? Who has time for that? Pop it in the bowl, and mix it up. Come on… as soon as you start to baby your ingredients they get all fussy on it.
Rule # 3: NEVER, ever, ever open the oven door.
Mwhhahhhahh. OF course I am going to do this! Our oven light is broken and this girl is getting hungry! Plus, I do like to see them fluff up all pretty and such!
So there you go folks, rules are hogwash! THIS is how you make a stinking great Yorkie!
Easiest ingredients in the WORLD (seriously, don’t even write it down, so easy)
2 Eggs
1 Cup of flour (normal flour, in the cheap bag)
1 Cup of milk
a “dash” of salt
Toss your eggs, milk, flour and “dash” of salt in a bowl and beat.
Heat oven to 425′
Fill raminkens with Vegetable oil (just a splash) and pop in the oven to heat.
Once the oil is HOT, HOT, HOT, add a ladle full of Yorkie batter. (about 1/3-1/4 of the cup, depending on how big you want them)
Pop back in the oven right away and cook until bursting from their cups and lightly toasted on top.
You will end up with some sexy and tasty Yorkshire puddings!
Now, a few notes! Because while it is okay to break other people’s rules, you really should follow my special tricks of the yorkie trade!
1. Use ramikens not Muffin tins. Seriously- this makes all the difference in the world! Plus, you can SUPER-SIZE your yorkshire pudding, and that is awesome. Every now and then I even use a pie plate . . . they do say a way to a man’s heart is through… a giant pie plate sized yorkshire pudding!
2. For 1% milk, follow the recipe above. For 2% milk, add another egg. For whole milk… just drink it straight from the jug, there is no sense in wasting such deliciousness on cooking.
3. You’ll notice I used shelf safe milk above.. for VERY good reason. We have a 10 year old, and she is apparently growing. Living rurally it is one heck of a drive to town and we only go in once or twice a week. Our little lady chugs milk like it is the elixir of life, so we run out.
All. The. Time.
Having some shelf safe milk ensures that I can STILL make what I want for dinner, the kids can still have their morning cereal and mommy gets her cup of Java (with milk) every morning even if we run out of “the other stuff in the jug”. It doesn’t change the recipe at all (and the kids don’t even notice a difference)
In fact, I even caught the “growing girl” doing this. . . tsk, tsk, tsk.
Just think, no last minute dash to the grocery story to load up on milk when you have some of this on the shelf.
Check out Milk Unleashed and start stocking up and prepping for bad weather, long roads or those nights when you drink the wine when you should be cooking with it! Shelf safe milk can be stored for up to 6 months (check the package date), and thank goodness! The way our family goes through milk, we are going to need to stock up!
discolsure: i received compensation (in the form of milk & other benefits) to share this post with you. This is a recipe from my home, that has been tried and tested using shelf safe milk. All opinions on the product are my own. And yes, my yorkies really are that fluffy!