How Much Lego is Too Much Lego?
How much lego is too much lego? The answer? You can never have enough lego. Ever. This is the answer my son gave me when he added “more lego” to his letter to Santa. “You can NEVER have enough mom” […]
How much lego is too much lego? The answer? You can never have enough lego. Ever. This is the answer my son gave me when he added “more lego” to his letter to Santa. “You can NEVER have enough mom” […]
Growth by the minute or by the day never seems that grand, but when you are able to look back over time and see the change, it is sometimes extraordinary. Three years ago we were putting …
Everyone who has a partner who complains about their blog, raise your hand. Wow. That's a lot of hands. So, why do they hate our blogs so much? What is it about us gals (and guys) hanging …
It's been 4 months without a family room in our home. Without a "family tv" We have the little tv in our sunroom. With the tiny "squeeze 3 small people on it, but totally uncomfortable" couch. The sunroom that is …
This will be our third (holy macaroni, how did time fly so fast) Christmas on Salt Spring Island and each year we add on traditions and dig our roots in a little deeper. We had heard …
A recent conversation with my dad has stuck in my brain. It was a chat we had while lounging in the hot tub at the local swimming pool while the kidlets splashed about in the …
We woke up to this amazing-ness this morning. A few flakes last night, and a "snow warning" which doesn't ever usually amount to much on the west coast, and a houseful of screaming kids this morning. Snow …
I frequently talk about how entrepreneurs should create multiple sources of revenue to ensure stability. This is especially true for us "bloggers". This industry has ups and downs, peaks and valleys in terms of revenue …
There must be something in the water at our place with the amount of hens that like to "book off" and go broody on us. Or perhaps this is there way to escape the continued …
This may come as a surprise, but I am not actually an open book. While I am a great "sharer" about some parts of my life, I do keep other things under wraps. Until, I think …
I'm not the kind of gal that oozes empathy when someone is hurting. I give the ole pat-on-the-back, "Gee, that bites" sort of loving and then I move along to trying to help. And I am …
It happened again tonight. Darkness falls earlier and earlier and we aren't always RIGHT there to make sure the chickens have all tucked themselves into bed. And sometimes it even happens when there is still light …
Like any industry, blogging has its up and downs. There are peak times (like right about now) where things are insane for us monetized bloggers. We are offered this, that and the other thing "just …
It has been a week without my hubby. He is off at a work conference (yay him) and I am home. Alone. With 4 kids, 39 chickens, 3 rabbits and 2 dogs. In the cold. In the very, …
When we lived in the city I used to go for coffee a lot. And, never fear coffee producers, this is not about coffee. In fact we can replace that and say "Stop going for …