I am ready to admit this. . .
Yes, I am a fur mom, it’s true. I was, in fact, a fur mom before I was a mom of a “human” and I am profoundly grateful that I was. I got my first dog when I was 22. […]
Yes, I am a fur mom, it’s true. I was, in fact, a fur mom before I was a mom of a “human” and I am profoundly grateful that I was. I got my first dog when I was 22. […]
I get asked a lot about IF someone should get chickens, or HOW to go about it. and be successful. While I am by no means an expert on these friendly fowl, I have learned …
Mothers day is ticking closer, and the kids are full of high hopes to make it spectacular for me. That is all awesome, except I have been doing mothers day for 10 years now, and I …
This post is part of the YummyMummyClub.ca and the Maple Leaf Foods #FoodsThatFuel sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank-you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by …
I need to be honest with you. Over these last few years, I wasn't actually sure if things would work out. I was never certain. Neither was hubby. 4 years ago we were really unhappy. Things were …
Women helping women, moms helping moms. All of us helping, listening, supporting, responding and nurturing, and then at the end of the day: collapsing. We love to help. We love to listen. We love to be …
After being raised in various quiet and sluggish suburbs, when I moved to the city after getting married I embraced the concrete jungle hard. I loved Vancouver with that deep abiding love reserved for teen …
We are conscious people. Not uber, living off the grid and hunting our own meat kind of conscious, but . . . urban conscious? Of course, not urban. Anymore at least. When we made the move here, …
Eek, this morning I woke up to my story being featured on the Huffington Post Canada site, and then having it front page (oh why, oh why did I send THAT picture!) When turning 40 means …
Our kids are pretty fortunate. Lots of wide open space, fresh food, most of it grown locally (or in our backyard) on the table and clean clothing and shoes on their feet. But being raised with …
I had a conversation with someone today about "ALL THIS" " all this" being my life, currently, as I know it. About the HOW we got here, WHY we did it and how on earth did …
Our kids LOVE pizza, but only with cheese on it. So, as a family meal option this gets a little boring for the hubs and I. We love this twist on pizza that I learned …
While I know that a big chunk of Canada is still sitting under snow, over here on the wet west coast we are in full spring time bloom. With the rhododendrons and daffodils, comes our first …
There is nothing about my body that is perfect, and that is okay by me. I am completely human, and utterly flawed. As a almost forty (egads) year old mother of three, my body has …
All over the world people are different. They are made up of different traits, carrying different baggage and their goals, dreams and aspirations are as varied as they are. But still we carry means to classify …