This year was supposed to be all about simplifying. It was about cleaning my cupboards, asking for help, and focusing on what I do best.
And now, 3 weeks into the year, I am wondering if I should have chosen a different word.
Maybe “Courage” or “Conquer” or “Fear”
It seems like in the last 3 weeks I have continually stepped out of my comfort zone, leapt away from the safety net and faced my fears and worries over my own abilities and strengths.
And, it didn’t kill me.
In fact, it only strengthened my resolve that outside of my comfort zone is where I have the most success. It is the place that challenges me, pushes me to be my best and forces me to courageously act upon my words.
So, possibly I did chose the right word after all. Maybe me leaping into a new business, or applying to be an ambassador at a conference, or spending hours organizing my tax papers (definitely OUT of my comfort zone) is exactly what this year is about? Because with each one of these things, tossed and turned, worried and doubted about my ability to be successful.
Simply put . . . maybe I am focusing on what I do best . . . even if what I do best scares the crap out of me. Perhaps I am best when I am terrified? Perhaps that is how I know I am on the right track?
So, with tummy dropping I launched my new business last night. And it was the right thing. I was also welcomed to the BlogWest team of ambassadors (stay tuned for more info on how to WIN yourself a ticket), and that was amazing.
And I have a feeling, as I keep leaping away from safety, more extraordinary things will continue to roll my way!
And the next nerve to tackle? Teaching my first spin class this coming week . . . oh boy, there goes the tummy again!