Today I had three people stressing out about Facebook. Their reach is down, and they don’t know how to improve it. Every time they “think” they have it figured out, something changes and it crashes again.
They try to deliver exactly what Facebook needs, but nothing seems to work. They never seem to get the response they are looking for from the big f-book.
My advice.
Walk away.
Facebook is the bad boyfriend of bloggers. He is the abuser, and we are all too scared to leave him. We want him to commit, to show us love back, and every now and then after we tweak, amend and re-arrange our status’s and he gives us a wee bit of an increase in reach, we think we are getting somewhere.
He has changed. Things are improving
But it is just a ruse people. He is still the jerk who likes to put you down in front of his friends.
And the funny part is we have all these other guys hanging out in the wings, just desperate to spend some quality time with us. Twitter, the nice guy who doesn’t really ask for much and even though you don’t think he is doing anything for you, when you check your analytics you realize he works better than you thought.
And Pinterest- the guy that seems a little slow to respond, but delivers pretty consistently once you spend some time with him. This is also the guy (were a social platform to be an actual guy) who would be the “BEST” in your life. This is the multiple, the romance and the one you think about every time you go back to that jerk Facebook.
Pinterest delivers. Consistently every time.
And Stumbpleupon. Poor forgotten SU. Always in the shadows, but when you DO remember him he takes you on adventures your never thought possible. This is the guy that shows up and brings the money every time you need him. This is the guy of last minute travel excursions. The fella who would rent out a restaurant and have you create a meal with a chef.
SU is epic.
But somehow you always forget that and run back to Facebook.
For all of you waiting for Facebbook to drop down to one knee and propose, I encourage you to play the field a little bit. Have a few other platforms on the side, give them a bit of attention and you may be impressed with how they deliver, and most of how, how great they make you feel.
Remember, Facebook is a self serving jerk- use him for what he is good for. Call him your baby daddy and show up to grab a monthly cheque, but never, ever think you will change him and get him to commit.
And I have noticed, if you play the field and treat F-book as one of the many, he suddenly starts to show up on time, and give a bit of affection. Just don’t get sucked in. . . keep him as one of many players in your life, he too likes it when you play the field!