We love our island, the home we have built here and the life we are living. We also love that we are continually put in situations where we fall in love with it all over again.
And again, and again.
This past weekend was not exception. A fabulous Saturday, and then a perfect small town Sunday.
It was Ruckle Park Heritage Farm Days. As with most events on the island, we weren’t really sure what that meant, only that, because we are in 4H, we were going.
It was again, a perfect sunny day, as hubby took off with the girls and rabbits in the morning. The little dude and I arrived at the festival a little later.
It was filled with weavers, and bake sales, and critters and tractors. A little boys dream! It was all the things that I am sure there would be massive regulations about in the city. (yes, a cow was wandering through the event!) And it was perfect. It was the world that I was a child in. The kids were running about, and happy in their freedom.
We ate, we hammered, and watching sheep herding. We sat on tractors, and then sat on them again, and again.
It was everything that living in a rural community is about.
The little dude and I left early, while hubby stayed with the girls. They came home before dinner smelling of sunshine and beaming. As we sat at the dinner table that night they filled me in on the days events, and the people they had chatted with, the questions asked about the bunnies.
And the craziest thing happened. My hubby, who is normally a “pessimist” or even possibly a “realist” suddenly became an “optimist” His glass was running over. He was filled with positive ideas and thoughts.
I called him on it (as this has been a bone of contention for some time) and he admitted. He said, there is nothing to be negative about any more. There is nothing bad about today, nothing to complain about, or even worry about.