Today I realized what has been missing from my life all summer long.
The summer, filled with kids an fun, swimming and picnics, noise and chaos is gone, and “real life” has returned.
What has been missing from these days?
Me. My brain. My thoughts. My constant running conversation in my head.
Even on the lazy days by the lake my brain was absent.
It didn’t talk to me, or take me for a wander on creative adventures as it normally does.
It was so filled to the brim with kid questions, monitoring water/bee/forest safety that it shut down.
And trust me. This is a huge deal.
Now. Your brain may not chat to you, but mine does. It would normally talk to me everyday. Help me break down problems and questions, come up with super awesome neat ideas and often time take me places I couldn’t even imagine.
Which is funny really, isn’t it. (Since I AM imagining)
But today it came back (my brain) and it started talking me to again.
It was my first day since the end of June where I have been alone. Completely alone. No worry. No kids. No overwhelm on everything I have to do.
Alone. In my thoughts.
And my brain woke up.
Almost like “oh hey there julie. You’re back!”
And my brain chatted to me and gave me some cool ideas and stuff. It started showing up at work again.
And, even tho I didn’t realize it was even gone, it was sure great to have it back. It made me whole again.
Did you lose your brain this summer? Have you found it again?
Or am I just crazy.
(And for the record here.. I don’t talk “out loud” to my brain. Ever. That would be really nuts!)