Summer has been hectic.
filled to the brim.
I feel like i have been rushing everywhere, and everything. Even the moments of “doing nothing” my mind was whirling and I was thinking ahead to the next thing.
This week I have put a stop to it. I have let go of a few projects, and spent time working back, instead of working ahead.
Does that make sense?
Instead of starting new things, I have been cleaning up the old things. Tidying my inbox, catching up on old thoughts, and completing ideas that I started, but never finished.
And without rushing to get these things done (because goodness knows they were so delayed, how would rushing even help) I was able to embrace a few little moments.
Like walking down to wake the critters this morning. Spending time to clean all the bowls, pet all the creatures and stand still for a minute admiring our dog as she lay in a beam of morning sunlight in the meadow.
Or last night, our 13th anniversary, where we pushed our two couches together and snuggled up with the medium kid to watch a movie, eat chocolates out of the box and drink red wine. All three of us falling asleep together, content at an evening that wasn’t part of the plan, but all the better for it.
I like a slow life, I do. I am not destined for greatness, or world domination or work filled days.
I am made for moments of awesome, grabbing hardly seen opportunities and slowing down.
I don’t eat, I taste.
I don’t work, I create.
I don’t live, I explore.
It has been a simple day, and I have gotten a lot accomplished, in my work, in my brain, in my life. Small things that don’t matter at all, but that I was able to spend a few extra moments on… because maybe those moments will pay off, and if not, at least I felt good doing them.
I am not built for chaos – I am accustomed to it. I do not thrive in it, even though I used to think I did. I am much better with less than with more.
How about you? How much do you need to thrive?