With everything that happens in September it is hard to keep up! Kids going back to school, work gearing up after the summer balancing act, and dealing with early mornings, stress on the body and all the other stuff that comes along with it.
It makes sense that while we are preparing their lunches and packing school supplies, we spend a little time thinking about how we can help them keep healthy bodies as well!
Here are 5 tips of things you should be adding to the list as the kids head back to school.
Daily Vitamins
With earlier mornings, and an overload of activity each day, your little ones body can become run down! Adding in a daily vitamin can help boost any deficiencies, and ensure their bodies are strong enough to fight off the bugs when they start coming around the classrooms.
Lice, Lice, baby
It is the time of year you are going to start getting those dreaded lice notices home from school! To keep these nasty bugs at bay I recommend doing a weekly lice check on your kids. Grab yourself one of the steel, long tined lice combs like the The LiceMeister® Comb and take a peek at your child’s hair each week. Check for nits – sticky eggs- attached to the hair or look for bites at the nape of the neck. Lice is best treated earlier than later, so being able to stop it in its tracks before it explodes is best. Lice these days are resistant to most chemical treatments. Regular combing out with conditioner and a lice comb is the only proven way to remove lice.
Keep it clean
The very best way to control the spread of germs is by regular hand washing. Remind your kids each day this fall to wash their hands before each snack and lunch at school. Include hand sanitizers in their school back pack, or fun hand towels that will get them excited about scrubbing up. Small things can make a big difference.
Build them up
Being prepared to do battle is sometimes just as important as the battle itself. Stress, sleep issue and allergies can hit kids hard in the fall, so having the products on hand to help you prevent these issues from getting out of hand will ensure less days of school missed, and healthier, happier kids. We fill our cupboard with tinctures and products from Orange Naturals. They have everything to help your child manage their digestion, to appease worry and fear, or to support child hood coughs and colds. Building up their immune system, ensuring they are getting healthy food and there are no outstanding health problems will help them tackle all the things that are being thrown at this them month!
Take Breathers
The fall is PACKED to the rim with so many things, and knowing when to lay your cards down and take a breather is as important as anything. Find time in your busy week to sit with your kids, talk one on one about school and activities. Help them manage their concerns, answer their questions and build their confidence.
Love and support do as much as any health aid or multi vitamin… just make sure that before you snuggle cheek to cheek you have checked for lice! It really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Check out the huge list of products for kids over at Orange Naturals, and be sure to sign up for their newsletter so you can keep up to date with natural health information and season concerns.
And now Orange Naturals wants to help you get your kids started off right this year and have an amazing give-away for you! Enter below to #WIN an Orange Naturals $110 prize pack, inkling ND Shake For Kids (chocolate), D Drops for kids, Probiotic Powder for Toddlers Through Teens, Focus for Kids and Sleep Tight for Kids!