Ever since becoming a blogger I have been exploring my personality online, trying to find the right balance of “me” and how to portray that authentically.
I have taken advice from other people, listening to (and sometimes applying) their suggestions. I tried different things, always trying to figure out that age old question “WHO AM I”?
And then, I got over it.
I am me. And me is strange, sometimes.
Me is also kinda smart most days. Logical, and creative.
Me also likes chickens. And days at the lake.
I like having dirty feet, because it makes me feel like I have used them that day.
I also like pedicures, and smelling clean and wearing fancy dresses… when I am not wearing drawstring pants and flip flops of course.
I had worried about filtering myself online, about playing the game, holding back and waiting my turn in line. I worried that if I was ALL of me, then it would be too much.
I worried that admitting I get excited writing branded content because it challenged my creativity would make me a sell out or brand whore.
I worried that if I couldn’t make you laugh, or cry or learn, than there was no reason for me to be here, wasting your time.
I worried. I adjusted. I tried again.
And I continued to worry.
and then. . .
I got over it.
I am me. And me is awesome, sometimes.
Other times I am introverted, preferring my book to your conversation, not because I don’t like you or your words, its just that I have had too many conversations that day.
I dance on tables, I can drink to much, and I can also leave before the party has even begun and “stick to water, thank you very much”
I am not always game for anything, unless I decide I am.
And me pretending to be less me does us both a disservice.
So, if you wonder why I am embracing my chickens (not literally, its not like that) so much these days it is because I will talk chickens to anyone for HOURS. Chickens actually do rule.
So do gardens. And social media.
And I am embracing my inner nerd, and letting my freaky chicken loving, analytical, logical, do-anything-for-a-laugh flag fly.
Brace yourself. . . .