We are into deep spring here on the West Coast. Some days even feel on the cusp of summer. The early bulbs are finished and the apple trees are in full blossom. Our property is bright green, and white and pink and full of colour.
And pollen.
So much pollen.
When we lived in the city, hubby had terrible seasonal allergies. (Seasonal being EVERY season!) In the spring he would sneeze and sniffle his way around cottonwoods and blooming laurel bushes. Summer would have CLOUDS of pollen that he did everything he could to escape. Before we moved he was looking into long term allergy care to deal with his bad allergy symptoms, but he concerned about the effects.
Our first spring on the island he noticed a change. He could actually SMELL the blossoms blooming. Last year was the same, his allergies had diminished.
This year, thankfully, he is still holding strong and while he may get the odd sniffle and sneeze on an especially explosive day, in general it is a minor bother compared to what he experienced before.
We joked about it the other day, thinking that since there are so few other pollutants in our air out here, his body isn’t in constant battle against natural and man made irritants. Or maybe there is just more ROOM in the air for all the pollen to float?
Either way, it continues to remind us that the natural way IS better. That clean air isn’t actually something available to everyone, and that a healthy immune system, and healthy lifestyle can do a lot to support your overall health, including seasonal allergy concerns.
Of course, it doesn’t hurt to give your body a little extra love and nurturing during allergy season! Orange Naturals has a great seasonal allergy tincture for adults AND kids. Made with no artificial flavours, the allergy relief will help provide a homeopathic alternative to dealing with the itchy eyes, running nose and sore throat that can arrive with the blossoming of spring.
Being able to enjoy these first rays of sunshine, feel the grass underfoot and smell the beauty of spring is something we all should be able to enjoy, without breaking the bank, or stuffing ourselves full of medications! I know not everyone can move themselves to a small, rural island, but hopefully by treating your allergies early on in the year, you can reduce the discomfort they bring.
For more all natural tips and tricks to good health, check out the Orange Naturals newsletter, or swing by their blog for other great ideas on bringing homeopathic health into your home.
Disclosure: I am part of the Orange Naturals Mom Ambassador Program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.