I find myself repeating the same things over and over again in discussions with clients. The same lines, the same concepts and tips, delivered in different, but no less effective ways.
It made me think, is it all really that simple? Does “success” really come down to just a few key things?

1. Fill the Void
To find YOUR success figure out what is needed and how to fill that void? Look to your specific market and industry, directly to the people you engage with and start listening. See what questions they are always asking, what opportunities they are looking for, where their NEED is.
Now, find the solution to their problems. Can you fill that need yourself? Can you find a way to solve their issues or provide them with the opportunities they need? Fill a void and you will create an opportunity for yourself.
2. Define Your Skills
Sometimes it is hard to define what we do, especially if we do all the things, but by not announcing your skill to the world and putting a value on it, you are selling yourself short.
We all have specific things we do in a day. Spend some time identifying these items and turn them into services. If you are able to blend #1 point above with this concept, you will find your success.
And remember, there is high value to a few key skills, including the ability to SELL something, the ability to IMPROVE something. If you can tweak your skills into one of these channels, your services will be highly valued. Big or small, you being clear about what you offer is a necessary step.
3. Don’t Give your Milk Away
If you have done #2 you will have an easier time putting a value on your skills (so go back and do #2) We tend to undervalue our skills and therefor feel uncomfortable charging for them. If you are spending hours out of your day improving others lives or jobs, it is time to ensure there is value back to you. Now, I am not saying don’t support others, but if that “supporting” is taking over your life, it has now become a valuable skill and you might want to start recognizing that.
Start small, define your skill (#2) and then value it. Your current “free” clients may no longer want your services, but if you really are as good as they said, new clients will come along soon.
4. Grow A Pair
You need to have courage to put yourself out there. Try. You may fail, or succeed. Either way you will be farther ahead than you were before you attempted the path. Have the balls to throw your services at the wall, and then stand back and hope that something sticks.
5. It Is All About You
In life we need to take care of ourselves first, so be selfish, create business success for YOURSELF.
Now, find a way to make that business successful for your clients as well and you have a win-win. Not only that, but you will probably end up with success in business, AND feel GREAT about what you are doing.
In the end though, it comes down to you. If you aren’t making revenue and having success, you can not support your team, your sub contractors and employees. If you are aren’t growing, neither will they. You are the heart and soul of your business, so make sure that YOUR heart and YOUR soul are healthy.
It is okay to make this move, and to take on the challenge. It is okay to own your success, and to start to recognize yourself for what you have done. It is okay to claim your genius. . . If you don’t, who will?