Or stupid and smelly, depending on the day (and the age of the kid).
But most of the time, they truly believe that I am beautiful and wonderful.
So, today I took a moment to listen to them:
According to my daughter my eyes are the perfect distance apart. And my eyebrows are beautiful and my nose strong and straight.
One eye is bigger than the other though… but apparently the brows make it work.
This is how she seems my “strong german nose” and “squinty” eyes and I think I’ll go with it.
My middle daughter says my hair makes the “perfect pony-tail” (this is high praise from her, trust me) She admires my ability to just “whip it back there, and make it perfect every time”
Mom-Pony just got a whole new level of respect.
And my son says my belly button smells like cookies. I don’t really know what to do with that one, but I am going to put it in the “mom is awesome” pile.
And please don’t ask why he was smelling my belly-button. There aren’t words to explain. Really, there aren’t.
All my “fat bits” make me huggable to them. My boobs, even though they are a 34B cup, are overflowing with femininity to my tween. My “man hands” apply makeup like an artist.
To them, I am not human today. . . I am a goddess. And every now and then when I am squeezing into last years shorts, I will remember that. They don’t care about a pound (or 4) up, or that these “fabulous brows” really need a trim. They don’t notice shaggy haircuts, or last years, outdated outfit.
They just see me.
And a more awesome me than I could ever imagine.
So yes. . . I think I am going to roll with their vision of me for awhile.