It is lambing season here on the island, and that means the fields are filled with the fuzzy jumpers and every time I see the Saltspring Lamb signs I get a little twinge in my heart.
I went “off lamb” when we were in wales during lambing season. They are too cute to eat.
Way too cute.
But this isn’t a “don’t eat lamb” post (although, come on . . . do you eat “baby” anything else?)
Hubby made some new friends who were expecting lambs and invited us to bring the kids to see them. Our girls being away, this was a good chance to do something two-on-one with our little dude.
The lambs – deliciously cute (oh wait. . . don’t start thinking about eating them again)
But they were. The went Bllleeeettt, just as you would imagine. And they were lovely and fuzzy and the poor moms where all a twitter as we snuggle the little bundles.
But it was the cows my dude really wanted to see.
Until he was in there with them and the big beasts lumbered over and gave him a lick. This was my first time being this close to a cow, and while they are much more beautiful than I had imagined, they were a bit gooey as well!
The whole trip would have been a breeze had little dude not had to go to the bathroom and taken off down the homeowners driveway trying to make his way home . . . alas the life of a parent.
It was worth even a sprint in gumboots, cause man, those little lambs were cute.