Remembering to Take a Break
You know that moment you wake up and say to your partner “we should totally renovate the bathroom” And then he thinks it is a great idea as well. So you plan it and figure “Gosh, we should be able […]
You know that moment you wake up and say to your partner “we should totally renovate the bathroom” And then he thinks it is a great idea as well. So you plan it and figure “Gosh, we should be able […]
There is a taste of fall in the air today, summer finally losing it's intense heat. Dew on the spider webs framing our front porch and the odd leaf, fluttering down from the cherry tree. It's …
We are 6 weeks into summer (or longer for us in BC) and so far it has been amazing. The weather out west has been hot and dry and each of our days has been …
The BEST purchase we made when we move rural was our bread maker. This one purchase has changed our world dramatically. We ditched our deep freeze, since it is no longer filled with dozens of …
For 3 days I have been in a fog. Fighting a flu bug, exhaustion and general Zombie brain kept me curled up on the couch popping tylenol like it was candy. Feverish and with body aches …
I don't hide the fact that Blissdom Canada is my conference of choice. I am pretty straight up and honest that it changed my life. That it launched me, and each year it launches me …
It is the dog days of summer, and we are all feeling drained and burnt out, but that doesn't have to kill you blogging mojo! Give yourself a break this week and follow these easy …
I see opportunity everywhere, it is part of my strength, and it is what has created the lifestyle I now have. I see how things can be improved, upgraded, and I’m consistently turning opportunity into …
One of the best parts of being a blogger is being able to text your husband from a hot parking lot in San Jose, just to let him know you are driving BMW's with a …
It's time to head back to school, and I'm teaming up with Boogie Wipes to offer an awesome Back-to-School Giveaway for kids and moms! Three lucky winners will receive a backpack stocked with school supplies (and …
Chickens die, it is a fact of life. Sometimes by our hand, other times by one of the many predators looking for a tasty meal. So what is the value of a chicken? You can hatch a …
Summertime mornings are filled with lazy wakings, and long breakfasts as the sunlight streams in and the day awaits. My kids live for our pancake breakfast, and when we have more time in the summer, we …
For over 10 years I have been parenting. I have put my career aside, sometimes in the midst of drama, opportunity and with explosive emotion spilling. I have gone to countless parks, beaches, play centres, …
Summer has been here with us in BC for a long time already. The kids were out of school mid June do to job action, and we aren't sure if they will head back in …
This post is part of the and Plan Canada’s Because I am a Girl #YMCPinkLemonAid sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information …