Part FortyOne: Hitting the hard wall of reality
I live in a bubble. I am fully aware of that, and as I say to my hubby, it is a beautiful bubble with happy thoughts and nice things and lots of sparkle. But yes, it is a bubble. My […]
I live in a bubble. I am fully aware of that, and as I say to my hubby, it is a beautiful bubble with happy thoughts and nice things and lots of sparkle. But yes, it is a bubble. My […]
It is T minus 2 weeks until we head to St. Lucia for our TomTom holiday. That means 2 weeks to deal with the past 6 months of an extra glass of wine at dinner and …
My hubby has always dreamed of owning and running a vineyard. Unfortunately we do not have the millions needed for investing, nor the wine experience to actually do this. And, we would drink our profits. All of them. I …
I keep getting questions, nosy, detail requesting questions. The "seriously, how did you actually do this" kind of questions. Money questions. Here is the thing. I am not going to open up our bank accounts and let you peruse our …
Hubby and I are both home this week. Finally. It has been over 4 weeks since we have had more than a day or two together here. That is pretty sucky. So, this week was …
I was raised in a suburban Vancouver, and then raised my kids in suburban Vancouver, up until September. And as with many things from our old life, we didn't realize what we were missing, until we got …
I started this whole journey by attending an everyWOMAN conference in Whistler in April. Now, this past weekend, 6 month since then, I went back to another one. It was a little strange re-visiting the site …
Deep down I am a fearful person. Or maybe it isn't fear, maybe it is just an overactive imagination? Anyway. I build things up in my mind until they are overwhelming and seep into my dreams. I …
I was back on my little island for all of 4 days between trips. Definitively not enough time to find my feet again, catch up on emails, or get my relationship with my hubby back on the …
After my mind blowing Marilyn experience (we are on first name terms now !) the day continued to be filled with awesomeness. And not only was it fun, but it was also educational. . . 1. …
If you were a little girl growing up in Canada you probably poured yourself into Anne of Green Gables, just like I did. I am sure we all still harbor memories of her growing up on …
Ding, the alarms goes off at an ungodly hour. 3am Vancouver time, except I am here in Toronto (thanking my stars I DID go to bed at 9pm!) I have a full day. Especially since my …
When I booked my ticket to Blissdom Canada in Toronto this year, I did so on a whim when the early bird pricing was on. I wasn't hell bent on going (especially since I booked …
Blissdom was not what I expected. Not at all. Yes, I had kind of figured it would be full of warm fuzzy feelings, I figured I would have a laugh or two and I make some “useful …
It is taking a lot to get me off this island and into the city (yes, the big scary city!) I am comfortable here in my little nest in the trees. I am loving the …