We are only 10 days in. I keep reminding myself of that. Only 10 days. The market is different now than it was when we last sold. Only 10 days.
But come on…. We hate waiting. Once we have made a decision, we like it to be done. The universe should listen… right?
We are only 10 days in. We have had an open house and 5 showings. I am tired of keeping the house clean. I am tired our continued efforts at completing the projects that are scaring people away.
Hubby keeps reminding me that “good things come to those that wait” … well, he reminds me of this in between his boutes of exhausted and frustration.
Having continued optimism is hard… it is really truly hard. We are so excited to get on with our plan, we want to start our journey so we know it is real. We want to enjoy the summer and start making our plans.
Stalling like this is killing our buzz.
So we plod along (and yes, I get it, 10 days! Suck it up, right) and alternate positive energy. Each of us confidently saying “it will sell” when we see the glaze come over the others eyes. I keep trying to ooze my message out to the universe…. Begging for the closure we need to proceed with our dream.
Yah, I know – ten days… possibly I am a little dramatic.
So fingers crossed, toes crossed… and knuckles bleeding from the cleaning!