We are a “responsibility” heavy family. (meaning, we have lots of responsibilities)
Not things like jobs and bills (well, yes, bills, but they are conveniently forgotten by me, in my little bubble)
More like bunnies, and dogs and hamsters. . . things that can’t hang out at home alone while we are whisked away to St. Lucia.
Well, they could. . . but it would end in disaster!
So, in preparation for our fabulous upcoming holiday, we have to “deal” with said responsibilities before we can focus on the fun stuff!
This was my “weekend of prep”
1. Transport 4 bunnies & 2 dogs along the Island Hwy for critter sitting
2. Help blind spaniel adapt to a new environment.
3. Instruct my parents (who are not rabbit savvy) on the massive quantities of vegetable matter bunnies consume.
4. Purchase bags and bags of vegetable matter
5. Leave cash on the counter (yes, green to purchase even more green) so bunnies don’t starve
As we left my parents place, dogs yelping at the door and bunnies. . . well, the bunnies didn’t really care that we left. . . we felt this guilt at not being fully independent and able to care for our responsibilities. It has again forced us to evaluate our choices, and put some questions forward about how we will balance travel & responsibility in the future (because there will be more travel & more critters)
Luckily I love a good brainstorm and have never seeing the inside of a box of thinking (cause I am always thinking . . . outside the box! did u get it?)
I have a solution up my sleeve . . . just have to work a few things out first!
So, with the house quiet, and food able to be left on the table again (without being scarfed by the pooch) we move forward with laundry and packing and prepping the house for our departure.
And with only a few days left until we go, the emails from the folks at TomTom are starting to come in . . . and it seems we have a few more responsibilities on our trip than we thought!
Yup – it’s that button again! Click, if you have a spare moment and pop me a vote! It helps me get new visitors to my site (which means views, which in turns me I can buy wine!) Contest runs till Nov 29, 2012