My son has a certain addiction to Diego.
Diego is his dude. And I am ok with that, especially since our middle child had a thing for Barney and I am not sure I could go through that again.
So, as my parents bundled him & his sister into their car to bring them to us, and their new home he shouted out “We’re on our way”
Very diego.
And very apt.
See, we are on our way… we aren’t there yet, even tho the kids arrived today and it was totally awesome to see them and welcome them to their home and have them GUSH over the hard work we put into their room.
We aren’t there yet even tho the plants are unpacked and dishes are in the cupboards and I can (finally) cook again.
But we are on our way. We are on our way to having our home smell like us (it’s a good smell, don’t worry)
We are on our way to cleaning only our dirt. The dirt we made… not someone else’s.
We are on our way to sinking our feet into the saltspring soil and finding our fit.
And, even though we have only been here for 2 days… I beg and plead and pray that we will find our fit. That this is the place we are meant to be… cause it is pretty fabulous, and we really don’t want to move all this stuff OFF island !
And I hope that the path ahead is full of fun, but ultimately leads us where we wish to be. I think I am crossing my fingers… again!