I find money is one of those ever present things that permeate every part of your life. I have also noticed that money comes when you need it the most….
With our amazing TomTom win, we also won $15000. Cash.
I think that is pretty cool. Really, super cool in fact.
Now, as you have probably figured out, hubby and I, along our amazing courage (laugh, laugh) and our extraordinary planning skills (smirk) and super human abilities in multitasking and dealing with stress, we are also painfully logical, and complete tightwads when it comes to spending.
We didn’t actually buy a flat screen tv until 2 years ago… and we got a wii 6 months ago (and we got a great deal on it cause it is vintage!)
We tend to wait for things, we put our money into key things and find it difficult to splurge on extras. We feel physical pain pressing the paynow button on buying airline flights.
I know, weird eh.
So with our CASH PRIZE (I actually scream it everytime I write it) we thought logically.
It is a years rent… free and clear. Free money.
Yes, that is what we will do! We will add it to the pot, the saving for the new home pot.
And then, in telling one of our friends, she said… YOU HAVE TO GET A BOAT!
Hmmm. A boat? Well, it IS free money! And we do have more than enough for rent.
And really, if you must know, this whole blog series was supposed to be called 3 chickens & a boat.
Because that was our super achieved end of our dream… chickens clucking and a sailboat moored close by. That was going to be our end of the story…
So, I said to hubby… we could use the money for a boat instead?
And his response……
Yup…. We’re looking for a boat!
I think that is pretty awesome!