Each year, I set an intention. A word to keep me focussed, and something to carry through to all aspects of my life.
It has taken me a long time to find comfortable with a word for the coming year. So many seemed too “stiff” and logical, while others were flighty. I needed something that would capture my desire to be fully present in whatever I was doing, but also recognize that I needed to renew my passion and commitment to all the things in my life.
Today, I have secured it. It has been rolling around on my tongue and I think it is a good fit. I think it says what I want, without leaving anything behind.
I want to THRIVE in business. I want to THRIVE in life. I want to embrace the little moments that come to me, and appreciate everything that is on my plate (even though there is a lot!) I want to feel gratitude for the opportunities I have, and not fall into overwhelm or anxiety.
I want to be so prepared that I have time to release myself from work to play with my family. Time to read a book, to sit in the meadow, to go for hikes and exercise.
I want to be present in the moments that land at my feet. I want to trust myself that what I do, and how I do it, is earned and valuable.
So, this year I shall THRIVE. I will breath life back into all aspects of my world. I will covet and cherish the opportunities in front of me. I will say yes, and no, and maybe tomorrow. I will start looking around me, and appreciate the greatness that surrounds my life.
I. Will. Thrive.