Hubby and I are both in the depths of managing and creating the long term foundation of two business start ups. We are past the “natural high” of the launch (the conception, and birth) and are now dealing with some exciting, yet often chaotic toddler businesses.
They are growing fast, keeping us busy, and are presenting us with a constant stream of critical decisions and mind blowing opportunities.
And through this excitement, we are starting to answer questions about what kind of business we want to raise.
And the answer is simple.
We want an ethical one. Businesses based on good work ethics, clean and efficient business practices.
Simple, and concise.
We want no useless conversations. We don’t want to waste anyone’s time. We don’t want to overcharge, or receive money we didn’t feel we earned. We want to be useful, and beneficial, and supported (and supportive) of our industry.
Naive? Possibly . . . but perhaps it will work in the end. Perhaps we will end up only in business with people we trust, and respect. People we can communicate clearly with. People who understand our objectives and values?
Perhaps. . .
And so, we clean house. We sat together and re-assessed our client lists, and our partners. We identified the ones we are passionate about, the ones whose values align.
And we will release ourselves from putting energy into the others.
Because, if there is one thing I have learned in this whole process:
My energy is limited, and I want it used for good purposes, and good places, and good things. I want my energy to be welcomed and appreciated, because it IS a little piece of “me” that I am giving.
And so, I will choose where my energy will go.
Julie’s business & Matt’s business