We all have them, little things we did that seemed like a good idea at the time. And then, time passes, and suddenly these little things, start to have a life of their own.
City TV is releasing a new show The Seed, a cross between Modern Family and FRIENDS, which follows the interesting adventure of a sperm donor who realizes years later that his offspring all belong to the same social circle.
I think it sounds like a pretty cool concept, and I think you will too. In particular, there was one line, that as a parent, (and sometimes not a very successful parent) really stuck with me.
“Only good mothers question if they are good mothers, because all parents are terrible and I bet the ones that are thinking and saying they are great are probably the worst”
I liked that line, amongst many others, and I enjoyed the honest and fallible characters.
So check out City TV Monday nights at 8:30pm to see how this poor guy is balancing this new twist on the family unit.
And, share, share, share this link, and you can win yourself a sweet little trip to LA by telling your friends all about The Seed on City TV.