Bloggers are pretty cool cats.
They are true global relationships, very much like my exchange student years when there would be a gaggle of Canadians, Brazillians, Brits and Germans all sharing a beer in Australia.
Except, we aren’t sharing beers. Or maybe we are, but individually. On our own couches, in our own homes.
And, Bloggers are generally kind, supportive and helpful. We are all forging new ground in the digital world together, so when the opportunity comes to share a helping hand, or give someone a shout out… we do it.
And thanks to Anne at Food Retro, I have some shout outs to give today. Anne shared a “sunshine award” with me. A simple way for bloggers to recognize other bloggers who have helped, supported and just lifted them up over the year.
As a “recipient” of this honour, I am sharing the answers to 11 questions Anne asked me, and then shouting out to my FAVE bloggers.
Check out my answers, and then go and visit Anne and all the other bloggers on my list that have made an impact on my year.
I have always written. It was never a choice, and never something I wanted to do, or chose to do. Writing to me is like breathing. It just happens.
Hmm. This is tricky. I “think” flying. Just because it would be super fun on a hot sunny day to go fly over the ocean. I would also just love to “fly home” or “fly over” and see friends!
3. Who is your greatest inspiration in blogging?
My greatest inspiration? Hmm. I think it is taking bits and pieces of successful women to support my personal goals and objectives. I prefer to collect the best of many, to create my own unique form of fabulous.
Favourite liquor? I am not a HUGE drinker, and tend to not go all creative on what I do drink, but my fave thing to drink is either a cold strongbow after a couple hard hours of working outside, or a glass of prosecco, out of a plastic glass, sitting on a quiet beach. It’s not about the drink, it is about the experience! 5. It’s 2014! What’s on your resolutions list this year?
To be better. To improve everything I already have! Here it is in even MORE detail! 6. For those of you with kids… Would you rather have more sleep? Or more nookie?

Hmm. My kids are past the “lack of sleep stage” so I would have to vote for the nookie. Time for it, and space! The place we are in is pretty “snug” for a family of 5 and the soundproofing isn’t that great!
7. What’s your favourite quote?
“Everything happens for a reason” I don’t know if that is considered a quote, but it is a line I live by. I don’t know who said it, but I believe it to be true.
8. How do you reward yourself after a hard-won success?
Say “yay” I am not a huge rewarder, as the success is a reward of itself. I tell my hubs! I share the news. I pat myself on the back! Pretty boring really… maybe I should start a new tradition of celebrating more?
9. What is the most ridiculous situation you’ve found yourself in?
Oh, so many!
I am LOVING the song “Gang of Rhythm” by walk off the earth right now! It is my 2014 song to live by! “No worries on the Earth tonight” my lovelies! Not a single one!
My family. Always and forever. I would spend every waking moment creating a beautiful life for them. I would set it up so that they would let me go peacefully and walk into the future full of hope and happiness!
Even tho they would be super, duper sad that I was gone. 🙂
So, to my Blogger friends, I hope those of you who I have tagged here will play my little game, and answer the questions I have for you. It takes but a moment, and kind of makes you think!
1. To my dear Christine at WhineandCheese who I mention over, and over (and over) again. So much of everything I do is successful because of her support, and I will continue to recognize her as the years go by!
2. To Lynn at Nomad Mom Diary – I am amazed by your amazement of me, cause you amaze me even more than I ever could! (does that make sense?) Blessed that you fell into my life!
3. Tara at Don’t Lick the Deck. I have always liked you tara. I think you’re cool and i would LOVE to be as funny and as talented a writer are you are!
4. Tiffany at My Dirt. I forced my way into Tiffany’s life that March (poor thing didn’t have a chance) Tiffany is going to be a REALLY BIG deal one of these days (to me, she already is) She is kind and reads me like a freaking book (not many people can do that!) She also have the balls to tell me like it is (again, not many people can do that!)
5. Angie at Echoes of Laughter. Angie should come and live with me. I would just sit in amazement at her, watching her craft, and bake and cook. In fact, I think Angie should start a summer camp. I could come to HER house and craft and cook and bake and just be AMAZED!
6. Jess at Aesthetic Fauna. Jess doesn’t know this, but I was stalking her blog LONG before I had the chance to meet her via BLUNTmoms. I love her totally funky and awesome style, and her photos make me drool. I send up wishes every night to be as cool as she is (so far, no luck)
7. Crystal at Sew Creative. Crystal is the biggest little blogger I have ever met. When she told me her page views were really BAD (awe shucks, only about 80,000 a month, poor baby) I sat in stunned belief. Crystal is also one of the most HARDWORKING people I know. She attacks every project with passion and creativity. She is committed and professional. I want to be like Crystal when I grow up!
8. Julia at NuggleMama – Another one of those totally committed and kind Bloggers, Julia and I seem to continue to be tossed together into things. I don’t know why yet, but I like her style. Hopefully we have more opportunities to connect in 2014.
2. What would your perfect “normal” day look like?