This post is part of the and Empire Life #YMCDumbestWayToDie sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.
I remember there was a point in my life where I felt indestructible. I was young, I was in love and my future was ahead of me.
Now, I am still “youngish” and while I don’t giggle every time the hubby walks in the room, I AM still in love with him, but after saying goodbye to one or two family members this past year, I understand I am not indestructible.
I am human.
And as a human, this too shall pass.
My humanity became real to me when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I was suddenly feeling old, and uncomfortable, and when complications arose during delivery, I saw that despite being a strong, healthy woman, things could go wrong.
And fast.
Holding my new daughter, I understood on a deep level that I was no longer the youngest generation. I had someone I was (hopefully) going to leave behind when I left.
And that scared the crap out of me.
What happens if I go too soon? Who will love her, hold her, teach her and lead her as she grows. How can we ensure that she has everything she needs?
And my partner and I; we entered into parenting TOGETHER. How would HE hold up parenting on his own, or even ME parenting on MY own (almost scarier)
We wanted some security.
It is terrifying and depressing to think about your own demise, unless you approach it from a problem solving angle, and the “worst case scenario”
If something were to happen, what would be the BEST solution to problems that came up?
Hubby and I dove in neck deep to prepare for the worst case scenario. We got a detailed will and an extensive life insurance policy. We left no stone unturned and, with our advisor, created a safety net.
A safety net that is there, if (god forbid) we ever need it.
I cried a bit that week, just thinking about my humanity, and my husband’s. But I felt safer knowing that he would have the funds to stay home with our daughter and raise her without financial stress. They could take off and live anywhere, if they chose.
What scares me the most, is that I am not the norm. 65% of Canadians are under-insured or have no life insurance at all.
That means that, if the worst were to happen, 65% of families would be forced to struggle financially along with the emotional pain of losing a loved one.
And I know, insurance sounds expensive. Trust me, it is the best investment you could ever make. With Empire Life, rates for term insurance are very competitive – sometimes much lower than mortgage insurance offered by the banks. Did you know that each month you pay DOWN your mortgage, and REDUCE the insurance coverage you would get from mortgage insurance, BUT your premium payments NEVER change?
Empire Life Insurance wants to work with you to find an affordable Life Insurance package that works for your family. Bad things happen every day, and not being prepared for a “worst case scenario” is pretty stupid. As they say “The dumbest way to die is without insurance.”
Empire Life offers smart, simple mortgage insurance for Canadians looking to save money and protect the biggest purchase most will ever make.
Benefits include:
• You own the policy, not your lender.
• You choose your beneficiaries and your beneficiaries decide how the money is used.
• Your coverage is portable. No need to re-qualify if you change lenders.
• Your coverage remains the same, even as your mortgage decreases.
• You keep your coverage for as long as you need it.
I am getting older, and that is ok. I don’t need to spend time worrying about “what will happen” to my family, if something happens to me. Having the security of a life insurance policy there will make one less stress for my family if the worst does happen. I don’t have control over when, and how, but I can protect the ones I love and prepare as much as possible.
Until that day though, I am off to live a little, and enjoy the days (months, years, and decades) I do have ahead of me.
Empire Life makes buying life insurance simple and affordable with an easy-to-use online “Fast & Full” process and personalized customer service.
For more information on Empire Life or to get an insurance quote and learn more about insurance that will work for you, visit Empire Life. Because the dumbest way to die is without Life Insurance.
Then visit YMC’s Dumbest Way To Die page for tips and tricks to organize your insurance information, discover how much life insurance you really need, and more!