When we lived in the city we went to many a princess show, or giggly event with our two little girls. They two darlings would put on their finery and fancy dresses and twirl they way through stories that seemed like pure magic to them.
And then the little dude came along, and as the girls grew older, the princess dresses were packed away, and tiara’s gathered dust. Along came spiderman costumes, and the HULK-SMASH chaos of little boys.
And it is fun. Different, but still fun. He dreams of saving the day, or having super powers, much like the girls would imagine being able to sing to birdies that would alight on their hands, like snow white. Our little boy was bringing a new theme into our world, and it was a good thing.
So when the Marvel Universe Live show was coming to BC, it was the perfect opportunity to resurrect our family day out and explore something that would have our little boy giddy with excitement. We would, yet again, be able to see the magic of him believing in these “fairy tale” characters, his storybook hero’s, in the flesh.
We are heading to check out the show in Victoria, and you too can have a chance to experience “Superhero’s” doing their thing with Marvel Universe Live.
The show is running across Canada and the United States, and hitting Victoria BC, Thursday, June 11 – Sunday, June 14 and Vancouver, BC Thursday, June 18 – Sunday, June 21. Tickets are on sale here and range from #30, $45, $75 (VIP) and $115 (Floor Seats), and $15 for kids aged 2-15 (*select performances and seating levels)
And don’t worry, we will share more about the show right back here, so you can be SURE you will have a great time.
As parents, we spent a lot of time with our first daughter, making special memories, and I am thrilled that the opportunity to focus on our little guy came up. The chance to spend some energy and time with him, making memories that will be just his.