I am another year older today, squeaking really, really close to the big FOUR-OH. I already told you how “ok” I am with getting older, and how I am pretty darn happy with the person I am right now, and you already know how we just aren’t a “gift” family (or at least useless gifts), so today I will tell you what I DID do on my birthday, and what it meant to me.
Or maybe I should start with what I didn’t do? That might make more sense.
I didn’t do dishes. Or cook. Anything. All day long. And that was a pretty huge deal (nay, a massive deal!) I also didn’t allow myself to feel any guilt about not doing the dishes or cooking. I just let it go.
I didn’t spend any money. I did no shopping, and i filled no voids with purchases or products. In truth, there were no voids to fill. Oh wait- I bought some vitamin C – in the hopes of beating this cold !
I didn’t worry. Not about a thing. I made no plans for the day, and just let it unfold. There was zero expectation. We all just did what we wanted, and everyone was happy with that. We didn’t rush the kids out to activities we had planned, or hurry everyone from playing so we could eat dinner. The day just . . .unfolded, and I loved that.
What I did do, was finish my book. And i dug in the garden with the chickens. And my hubby got to play in the boat. And we had a fire (when those dark clouds rolled in) and I ate cake (I love cake)
I drank tea, and wine, but not too much of either. I had a bath in the middle of the day.
It was a truly pleasant day. Nothing extraordinary, no extremes on any side. And that was perfect. I just wanted a gentle day, and I got exactly what I wanted.
And so today I walked gently into another year . . . and possibly next year, that big 40, I will leap into. Possibly. Or perhaps I will welcome it much as I did this year.
One thing is for certain though. I will not fight it, or push it back. I have done more that come to terms with my age and stage, I have embraced it.