A lot of super cool things have come my way lately. Like super cool.
I am heading to Edmonton tomorrow for Blogwest. I am heading their not only as 1 of a group of 5 ambassadors chosen from across Canada, but also as a speaker. Pretty darn excited to see old friends again, and make some new memories.
As well, last week I spent an hour chatting on the local Saltspring Radio. I chatted about my new project, about our life here, our move and . . . a million things in between. This opportunity was through a brief facebook chat turned spontaneous “want to meet for coffee”
And then, as I left the radio station, with the sunshine shining, I got a call, I was added to the Ambassador lists for the new Vancouver Connecting Bloggers to Brands conference, coming April 30th. It was a cool conversation and I (again) pretty excited to make my way back into the city and re-connect with the community.
During this conversation the owner of Bloggers to Brands mentioned to me that people ask her all the time “how do you get chosen” and her reply, “you ask”
And this struck a chord in me. Because that is simply sometimes all you have to do.
Ask for help, ask to help.
Either way, ask.
That one little moment in a conversation where something is offered up, or left open to suggestion, that is your moment to fill it.
And if you find yourself leaving conversations saying “I wish I had . . .” then you probably aren’t filling it.
With my goals for courage, I have forced myself into asking. If an opportunity is there, I say yes. And because of these little yes’s, bigger yes’s have come, and I am sure there are a few more on the horizon.
And once you have a pile of yes’s behind you, well, I believe you are unstoppable.
So, next time an opportunity comes up you would like, or a question is there . . . fill the blank, give the ask, say yes.
What’s the worst that could happen? I sure know that I am not scared by a no every now and then! Are you?