You know the old saying “when one door closes, another one opens”
Yup, that one. Cliche and all, but true, don’t you think.
I sit where I am today because of hundreds of closed doors. HUNDREDS.
What I thought were missed opportunities at the time, ended up being gifts that helped to steer me in a better direction.
All along the universe was gently (or even not so gently) nudging me along a path. My path. The right path.
It took me awhile to figure out that I wasn’t losing, or lacking by missing these things. It took me time to trust that I would find my place.
In fact it took more than time. It took tears and tantrums. Fear and anxiety. Confusion.
A lot of confusion. And questions of “why not me” or somedays “why me”
But looking back now, at all the closed doors that I had wished would be open . . . knowing what I know today, I don’t think I would have walked through them anyway.
I think the daring window escapes I made instead kind of worked out for me.
So if you are staring at a closed door today, give it a pat, and turn your back and start searching for a bright window. I am going to bet that it is there somewhere.