Argh. The dry winter skin itch is right up there with the worst things about winter (including the dark days, rain and snow, and the lack of Vitamin D for this old body)
Its the dryness, the scratching, and the itching that no amount of moisturizer can fix.
Except, this year I didn’t have it. It is now (basically) March and I realized today that I haven’t been scratching, and I haven’t been itching and my dry winter skin itch… is no more.
And trust me, this is one of those blessings that you don’t realize until you have it. To not be slathering moisturizer on my cold skin before bed, to not be woken up in the middle of the night scratching gashes down my legs… its a constant that we grow used to. Until it is gone.
So, how did I do it? What magic elixir did I take?
How to get rid of Winter Skin Itch?
So simple.
So, very, very simple.
I ate fats.
Healthy fats, of course. Healthy, wonderful, nourishing, delicious fats.
Our minds were told years ago that FAT IS BAD. Companies started handing us “fat free” dressings, and “Fat free” snacks. They got us off the bandwagon of “sugar is bad” and we raised our pitchforks towards the healthy fats.
And they were wrong.
Our bodies were craving it. Desperate for it. Our skin was drying, our hair withering, and our minds becoming exhausted.
Lets take the “olden days milkmaid”
Their skin would glow, their bodies were strong. They even say that milk maids had increased immunity towards diseases (but that’s a whole different story)
But basically, they were strong, and they were healthy. And boy, did they ever enjoy their butter.
Fat is not bad. You don’t find someone addicted to FAT. Even tho we may DREAM about bacon, we aren’t addicted to stuffing fats into our bodies like we are sugar.
Our bodies need these healthy fats, and most importantly our SKIN needs it. (well, MY winter skin itch needs it)
I added fat to my diet, in moderation and in controllable forms.
Most noticeably, I started adding BOO to my morning smoothie. Adding this tablespoon of “fat” to my day helped my body to nourish my skin, (and bonus, I haven’t had a pimple in MONTHS) Our bodies can not MAKE the fats we need, we MUST ingest them, and unless you want to add some salmon to your morning coffee.. I recommend sticking to an oil substitute.
Bulletproof, of course, are the leaders behind the “butter coffee” scene, and with good reason. They have put the time, and the effort into creating products that our bodies need to be healthy.
So, just say it to yourself… fat is good. Fat is good. And then next time you are scratching yourself to sleep in December, grab some Brain octane Oil (a derivative of MCT oil) and trust me, you will sleep soundly after using.