I was chatting with a client the other morning, both of us working from our couches, with sickly children draped over us. We were attempting to go through our list of items to discuss, in between answering questions from our littles, grabbing extra tissues, and giving glasses of water. We were the “work at home mom”.
We multi tasked, we balanced and by some miracle we stayed on track and discussed what we needed to discuss.
We laughingly said how “blessed” we were to be able to adjust our schedules to adapt to our sick little people. Of course, this was dripping in sarcasm.
I will be honest, we weren’t feeling very blessed at that point. We were feeling exhausted and stretched to the very limit. Our brains were hurting from flipping from complex thought to answering questions about mine craft. We were balancing the importance of how the toasted cheese was cut to high valued clients.
We were (please add the sarcasm for yourself here) “Living the Dream”
But, here is the thing. Even with the headaches, and chaos, and balancing and stress and late hours, and sleepless nights and, and, and, and.. we WERE living the dream.
We were women, working from our homes, running successful businesses, and still being able to be there for our children when they needed us. We were doing what we would lay in bed, before our businesses were born, dreaming would happen. We had what we wanted, we were living our success as women, mothers, and individuals.
And it was hard, as usually happens when dreams come true. It was difficult to balance, it was challenging shifting our brain power from one concept to the next. It wasn’t a walk in the park, but I don’t think either of us ever thought it would be easy.
So, today, when my three little lovelies came home from school early, I stopped for a moment and I put myself in the dream. I stopped doing for a moment and just found enjoyment is seeing all the things I was balancing. I appreciated each of my roles in life, and gave them equal attention, and I allowed myself the opportunity to actually feel proud.
So, the next time I need to balance a business call with a coughing kid, or let the dogs out right at that spot when the words are rolling on the page, I will say a little word of thanks that I have all of these things shifting against each other and adding fulfilment to my days.